To write and send Christmas cards, or to refrain….that was my pondering today. Honestly, one of the highlights of Christmas for me is getting cards from friends all over the US with pictures and letters explaining God’s goodness to them this year. And I really do love reading and rereading them. I stick the pictures on my fridge for the year and introduce my company to those I love who are not present.

Which led me to this inner debate.

Do I send a card this year? I mean, it is SO much work! I have tried and tried to get a good family photo this year. But it is next to impossible to get all five of us to look good in a picture (let alone sit still for one…)at the same time. And then I realized I was a little sidetracked.

The purpose for our Christmas card has always been to testify, to those we love who know our Lord and those who don’t, about the kindness and BIRTH of our Messiah. It matters very little if all of my children are smiling and looking at the camera because, honestly, when you have three kids, inevitably one is always crying. The truth is that we are just an imperfect family living day to day in the GRACE the Lord Jesus provides for us. We aren’t perfect parents, we don’t have perfect kids, but we have a perfect LORD and so…..
watch your mailbox.

The imperfect picture and letter are coming.

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